Center yourself with my Online Yoga Classes

This is a 50-minute class.

This 50 minute practice is meant to be an antidote to the movements and tiny insults from daily life.


A slow conscious practice that focuses on small, simple movements of the spine, hips and attachments. In this class you will move from sitting, standing, lying down and hinging at the hip. Soma yoga is a blend of traditional asana, ayruvedic practices, breathing, meditation, somatics and neuromuscular re-education.


Props are helpful for this class. I often use a chair and a blanket. Occasionally a block and a threaband are called for as well.


This class is open to all with any movement pattern issues, pain or not! It is meant to be an awakening of the connection to body, mind and breath.


A joyful practice

Yoga at 12:05 pm on Tuesdays

Zoom Meeting ID Number 216 147 3682

Passcode 55427

Contact me for any additional info: